Companies often install video systems without being aware of their impact on the corporate network. This is because a camera with a high resolution produces a very large amount of data. If the corporate network is not designed for this, performance or stability problems can quickly occur because the performance is insufficient. At the latest when several video cameras are integrated, the existing network often reaches its limits.
What are my goals?
For this reason, companies should first consider very carefully what goals they are pursuing with the integration of security cameras. Do I really need high-resolution images that can be used later in court, to identify a license plate, or to automatically control access to the company premises? Or is a lower image resolution completely sufficient to provide the necessary information with sufficient quality under the ambient and lighting conditions both day and night? In such an application, an IP camera with a resolution of 4K would be overkill.
Video solution is part of the overall system
At the same time, organizations must be aware that an IP video system is part of the overall system and must be integrated into the corporate network, especially if the information generated is to be used within the production systems. Therefore, before integrating a video solution, it should be checked whether the productive network is designed for the implementation, including the associated new specific requirements. Otherwise, a parallel network must be set up that ensures both network separation and the required performance.
Protecting Video Infrastructure From Unwanted Access
All video systems must also be installed in such a way as to not be in the direct access area of outsiders. Otherwise it would be easy for criminals to switch the camera off or manipulate it. The same of course applies to digital remote access. Therefore, the video systems should have integrated backup and configuration tools. This includes end-to-end data encryption during transmission. Video data is often inadequately protected. Especially low-cost systems usually have no basic protection or serious security gaps in their operating system. As a result, cybercriminals are able to penetrate the Local Area Network (LAN) with simple means and access data. This can have far-reaching consequences. This allows the cameras to be deactivated or other settings to be made via remote control. This endangers all users working in the corporate network. In addition, the devices themselves can be compromised and made part of a botnet, as in the case of Mirai or IoTroop.
GDPR-Compliant Data Storage
When setting up video security, data protection aspects must also be taken into account. Which areas should and may be monitored? How long is data stored? Who has access to the data? The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides very clear rules for action here. Companies are required to delete data that is no longer relevant. This archiving process can be automatically controlled with a high-quality IP video solution. As soon as a previously defined point in time is reached, the recordings are then automatically overwritten. At the same time, organizations must protect all data by assigning individual access rights. For example, the gatekeeper only needs access to live images, while other employees also need access to archived recordings.
Specialized IT Service Providers Deliver Tailor-Made Solutions
Since there are many aspects to creating and implementing the right concept, companies should seek the support of specialized IT service providers such as Konica Minolta. They use consulting workshops to show their customers the options offered by IP video systems. In addition, they work with them to develop operational requirements and acceptance criteria, as well as an appropriate concept. Such specialists take over all necessary operational tasks as well as maintenance and ensure the video security system’s continuous availability. With custom-fit cameras, integrated backup and configuration tools and some basic security measures, companies ensure that they reliably get exactly the images they need. And at the same time, they reduce the attack surface for hackers.